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Friday, July 8, 2011

I will be speaking in this article about the Blackheads and their causes and methods of treatment. Blackheads are a bacterial infection of the face, c

blackhead solution
How many times have you tried a blackhead treatment that didn't work? It seems all these products do is take your money and laugh all the way to the bank as you tried another product for "6 - 12" weeks that doesn't do a thing but dry out your face and increase redness.
Some products will even make your blackhead acne worse. Take for example blackhead extractors. These tools try to physically remove blackheads from your face, but in the end they only provide a temporary solution at best. The problem with these tools is that the problem starts below the surface of the skin when your pores get clogged by the natural sebum oil that your body produces.
When you use a blackhead extractor it may remove what you see at the surface of the skin, but deep inside it could be making matters wore. When you pinch or squeeze the skin it causes damage to the hair follicles, facilitates clogged pores, and may cause scarring and infection. As a result you end up with blackheads that just keep coming back, a red nose and a full blown zit to appear.
The proper blackhead treatment is to use natural methods and techniques that cleanse the pores, extract the bacteria deep inside the hair follicles, and unclog them so the sebum oil can properly flow to naturally lubricate your skin. When you follow this proper blackhead treatment process with preventive measures, you can effectively get rid of blackheads that never come back. Your face will be crystal clear.
The great thing is that you can do this without spending any more money on products that don't work or by making drastic changes in your daily routine or diet. These treatment and prevention strategies do not require having the privacy and the time to apply a mask, or using any strange exotic methods that won't fit into your lifestyle. These are simple things that you are already doing. It is just a matter of doing a bit differently.
One example is the way you wash your face. Most people are never trained on the proper way to cleans your face in order to keep your skin healthy and oil-free. Most people are too aggressive, over wash, use abrasive soaps and scrubbing techniques, and use soap that is chemically wrong for their skin. The result is dry skin, which causes the body to try to pump more sebum oil to your face in order to lubricate and protect it. Unfortunately, excess sebum leads to potentially clogged pores and blackhead acne. By simply changing the way you wash your face, you can effectively get rid of blackhead acne for good.
There are many more tips, strategies and techniques as simple as this that can clear your face for good. It is just a matter of knowing them and making slight modifications to the things you already do. Couple that with the right blackhead treatment and you can be confident that there are no ugly blackheads will appear on your skin.
blackhead solution
